Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

Great tasting in New York on March 28th ! @SantaDuc @MartinesWines @LeCedreCahors @schatziwines @ChampJVignier

Great tasting in New York with Martine’s Wines Domaine Santa Duc and Château du Cèdre Cahors in partnerschip with Schatzi Wines. By the way, Schatzi Wines is or official US importer for Champagne J.Vignier and Champagne Le Clos l’Abbé!

Please RSVP to or search “Martine’s Wines” on Eventbrite to register. We look forward to seeing you!

Grand Tasting 2017 Martine's Wines and Schatzi Wines New York

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Champagne J.Vignier

Château du Cèdre

Parler vin avec les mains

Champagne Paul Lebrun

Santa Duc

Le Clos l’Abbé

Pierre Cros

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