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J.Vignier – Art Extra Brut : With Nathalie Vignier and Sebastian Nickel

This wine for laying down, from the still little-known Sézannais region, bears an artistic label that speaks volumes about its contents. It is a particularly inspired wine from this innovative small company, run by Nathalie Vignier.

J.Vignier is based in Cramant, a Côte des blancs commune with legendary Grand Cru sites. It might seem like treason to present a wine from the Sézannais on these pages, but J.Vignier stands for creativity, inspiration, originality and authenticity. We aim to bottle the Fruits of the earth in as unadulterated a form as possible, hence the decision to offer a single vineyard wine from the Sézannais in the form of our Silexus Sezannensis.
My father noted that our Sézannais tasted excellent and yet entirely different from our Cramant. This in no surprise, given the high flint content of the limestone soils. However, I think that this also comes from the site itself, which has remained particularly untouched and radiates great peace. The vines grow around a hill that offers views of the whole surrounding area. This is not the only reason that I absolutely love this wine. It is like a chameleon. It seems to change and develop with every sip, sometimes unapproachable and needing aeration, sometimes mysterious and profound, then light-hearted on the palate. It never fails to touch.

Champagne J.Vignier

My family planted grapes in the Sézannais region as far back as 1962. My grandmother inherited a couple of hectares of fields that were difficult to till, because there was a layer of flint over the limestone soils that was merciless for ploughs. So like many others at the time, she chose to plant vineyards. However, no—one was making their own wine in this area – harvest was brought to cooperative cellars and added to blends. The Sézannais remained an anonymous nook that has finally, slowly come into fashion. My grandfather, on the other hand, was a winegrower and producer, and wines from the Sézannais were always made in our own winery. We only use Chardonnay, but it has thousand faces… »

Vinum Suisse - World of Champagne

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Champagne J.Vignier

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