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Restaurant Le Naka in #Avignon: Zen #Food in the papal city

There are several ways to discover a restaurant.

A) By listening to friends and colleagues, who praise the ambience and the food of a place they went to last weekend.
B) Through an extensive analysis of comments and pictures on the Internet. Just like it suits in the third millennium ...
C) You drop rather casually into a restaurant, because the business meeting of this morning drags on and you change, for practical reasons and for the purpose of food, to a nearby location.
D) By chance (rare).

Restaurant Naka Avignon

For us, the Naka, a Japanese restaurant in Avignon, is a typical C-case. And since then we can’t let go..
First of all there is the place, a room full of poetry. Natural stone walls, fine silk kimonos and large, zeppelin-like lamps, hanging like glowing bubbles over heads and tables, instantly driving the mind into a certain state of peace. We advise to settle in the back room of the restaurant, at one of the two spacious tables, where you actually may take off your shoes (which is not an obligation any more) in order to feel a little more “like at home”.

As to the composition of the food, the kitchen focuses on the essentials, setting accents of flavours and treating the ingredients with respect: Perfectly cooked rice accompanies the sweet, stewed eggplant “Naka-style”, seemingly simple Sushi hide surprising flavours, exemplary tempered sashimi melts on the tongue. With three words: simple, light, good!

For your thirst, there’s fresh beer, even iced in summer, but also a beautiful, manageable list of wines from the Rhône Valley. Those who like to keep it authentic may also opt for Sake, warm or cold, or choose one of the various teas on the menue. Afterwards you will be pleasantly satieted and feel relaxed, a nice break during a normal day. Please smile, you’ve just savoured a delicious meal...

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