Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

Restaurant Leclere in #Montpellier - Meeting the 5th Element

Meanwhile, we know quite a lot of restaurants within the region. All the greater is our joy when a new restaurant manages to charm our taste buds in a particular way.

The Leclere in Montpellier has it all: plain but pleasant decoration, friendly and warm service, extremely tasty dishes based on fresh seasonal products.

All four elements are there.

EARTH is not only represented in walls of natural stones, but also in the taste of the products, freshly being dug out from the ground. An example: Chanterelles with a broth made from hazelnuts, toasted bread and old Parmesan.
FIRE seems to flow from the heat lamps, under which Guillaume Leclere finishes his plates, dipping the room in a very peculiar light.
The lightness of the food, such as grilled veal rib with cress, cauliflower and walnut foam, seems to refer to the AIR.
Last but not least, WATER quickly turns into wine at this location... We went for a Saint Joseph from the northern Rhône Valley, whose minerality and palatability knew to enhance the sophistication of the food.

No doubt, the evening in company with the four elements is a real trip back to nature. The chef repeatedly proves his feeling for authenticity of food and taste, and gladly joins you at your table in order to discuss about it.

PS: Inspired by Luc Besson we would yet like to add a fifth element to this location: Love. We love this restaurant!

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