Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

What do you think of #biodynamic agriculture, Pascal?

Pascal Verhaeghe Château du Cèdre Cahors

"We are not labeled for biodynamic farming, but we apply it in our vineyards. We never claimed the status of being entirely biodynamic, because it’s more comfortable to practice in small areas. However, we try to get as close to it as possible. Fifteen years ago, people looked at the proponents of biodynamics like they were lunatics. They even seemed to be a little sectarian. But then, step by step things evolved and we realized that there are a lot of things that work relatively well, although we cannot exactly explain why. In practice, we see that the vines are healthier, that the grapes are of better quality: We get to phenolic maturity with less alcohol, plant mortality is decreasing year after year, etc. A whole number of little things tell us we are on the right track.

For the record: We went for organic farming in 1992, when we have learned that our father had fallen ill because of the chemicals. This was the moment we decided that we had to work differently. Today, among all those who work with us in the vineyards, nobody wants to return to the times we used chemicals."

Extract from the article Vino2Travel

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